I need user-friendly error reporting for an application that uses pugixml.
I am currently using result.offset.
Is there a way to get the line and column instead?
I am potentially dealing with large XML files, if that makes a difference.
This functionality is not readily available in pugixml since it's relatively expensive to do it on every parse, and after parsing is complete it's impossible to recover file/line information in the general case.
Here's a snippet that builds an offset -> line mapping that you can use in case parsing fails or you need the information for other reasons; feel free to tweak file I/O code to match your requirements.
typedef std::vector<ptrdiff_t> offset_data_t;
bool build_offset_data(offset_data_t& result, const char* file)
FILE* f = fopen(file, "rb");
if (!f) return false;
ptrdiff_t offset = 0;
char buffer[1024];
size_t size;
while ((size = fread(buffer, 1, sizeof(buffer), f)) > 0)
for (size_t i = 0; i < size; ++i)
if (buffer[i] == '\n')
result.push_back(offset + i);
offset += size;
return true;
std::pair<int, int> get_location(const offset_data_t& data, ptrdiff_t offset)
offset_data_t::const_iterator it = std::lower_bound(data.begin(), data.end(), offset);
size_t index = it - data.begin();
return std::make_pair(1 + index, index == 0 ? offset + 1 : offset - data[index - 1]);