How can this function be written using foldr?

2019-07-01 14:12发布


I have this simple function which returns a list of pairs with the adjacents elements of a list.

adjacents :: [a] -> [(a,a)]
adjacents (x:y:xs) = [(x,y)] ++ adjacents (y:xs)
adjacents (x:xs) = []

I'm having problems trying to write adjacents using foldr. I've done some research but nothing seems to give me a hint. How can it be done?


Tricky folds like this one can often be solved by having the fold build up a function rather than try to build the result directly.

adjacents :: [a] -> [(a, a)]
adjacents xs = foldr f (const []) xs Nothing
  where f curr g (Just prev) = (prev, curr) : g (Just curr)
        f curr g Nothing     = g (Just curr)

Here, the idea is to let the result be a function of type Maybe a -> [(a, a)] where the Maybe contains the previous element, or Nothing if we're at the beginning of the list.

Let's take a closer look at what's going on here:

  1. If we have both a previous and a current element, we make a pair and pass the current element to the result of the recursion, which is the function which will generate the tail of the list.

    f curr g (Just prev) = (prev, curr) : g (Just curr)
  2. If there is no previous element, we just pass the current one to the next step.

    f curr g Nothing     = g (Just curr)
  3. The base case const [] at the end of the list just ignores the previous element.

By doing it this way, the result is as lazy as your original definition:

> adjacents (1 : 2 : 3 : 4 : undefined)
[(1,2),(2,3),(3,4)*** Exception: Prelude.undefined


I don't think your function is a good fit for a fold, because it looks at two elements rather than one.

I think the best solution to the problem is

adjacents [] = []
adjacents xs = zip xs (tail xs)

But we can shoehorn it into a travesty of a fold if you like. First an auxilliary function.

prependPair :: a -> [(a,a)] -> [(a,a)]
prependPair x [] = [(x,b)]             where b = error "I don't need this value."
prependPair x ((y,z):ys) = ((x,y):(y,z):ys)

adjacents' xs = init $ foldr prependPair [] xs

I feel like I've cheated slightly by making and throwing away the last element with the error value, but hey ho, I already said I don't think foldr is a good way of doing this, so I guess this hack is an example of it not being a fold.


You can also try unfoldr instead of foldr.

import Data.List
adjacents xs = unfoldr f xs where
  f (x:rest@(y:_)) = Just ((x,y), rest)
  f _ = Nothing