Consider the following
Sample Input
SalesBoyName Product Amount
------------ ------- ------
Boy1 P1 100
Boy1 P1 40
Boy1 P2 100
Boy2 P1 100
Boy2 P3 12
Desired Output
SalesBoyName P1 P2 P3
------------ ---- ---- ----
Boy1 140 100 null
Boy2 100 null 12
The below SQL SERVER 2005 query will do the work
SELECT SalesBoyName, [P1] AS P1, [P2] AS P2,[P3] AS P3
(SELECT * FROM tblSales ) s
SUM (Amount)
FOR Product IN
( [P1], [P2], [P3])
) AS pvt
I want to perform the same thing in Oracle 10g.
How to do this?
This may be trivial, but since i am very new to Oracle, so I am seeking for help.