little query question,
I have table:
id | user_id | paper_update
1 | 1 | 30-5-2011
2 | 2 | 30-5-2012
3 | 3 | 30-5-2012
4 | 1 | 30-5-2013
5 | 2 | 30-5-2013
6 | 3 | 30-5-2014
7 | 4 | 30-5-2014
8 | 5 | 30-5-2014
9 | 5 | 30-5-2015
10 | 5 | 30-5-2016
11 | 1 | 30-5-2010
What I'm looking to do is to select only the records where paper_update
is max between records with the same user_id
, actually I want to group by the user_id
in order to the max paper_update
so for this table it will return this:
id | user_id | paper_update
4 | 1 | 30-5-2013
5 | 2 | 30-5-2013
6 | 3 | 30-5-2014
7 | 4 | 30-5-2014
10 | 5 | 30-5-2016
This is the easiest and shortest way to get groupBy Max Date in laravel. Take the rows with max date with group by user_id
$rows = DB::table('papers')
->select(DB::raw('id, max(paper_update) as year,user_id'))
//->orderBy('paper_update', 'desc')
This laravel query will create a mysql query like this
select id, max(paper_update) as year from `papers` group by `user_id`;
The out put will be
[0] => stdClass Object
[id] => 4
[year] => 30-5-2013
[user_id] => 1
[1] => stdClass Object
[id] => 5
[year] => 30-5-2013
[user_id] => 2
[2] => stdClass Object
[id] => 6
[year] => 30-5-2014
[user_id] => 3
[3] => stdClass Object
[id] => 7
[year] => 30-5-2014
[user_id] => 4
[4] => stdClass Object
[id] => 10
[year] => 30-5-2016
[user_id] => 5
You can use just a Left Join
and avoid a Group By
to retrieve the last paper_update
for each user_id
FROM paper AS t1 LEFT JOIN paper AS t2
ON (t1.user_id = t2.user_id AND t1.paper_update < t2.paper_update)
WHERE t2.paper_update IS NULL;
Assuming your table is named paper
Laravel Query Builder :
I'm not an expert with the Laravel Query Builder, but you can try this :
$result = DB::table('paper AS t1')
->leftJoin('paper AS t2', function( $join ){
$join->on( 't1.user_id', '=', 't2.user_id' );
$join->on( 't1.paper_update', '<', 't2.paper_update' );
Not familiar with laravel's query builder but in plain Mysql you use a self join with the maximum date value from same table
select t.*
from t
join (
select `user_id`, max(`paper_update`)`paper_update`
from t group by `user_id`
) t1
using(`user_id`, `paper_update`)
Fiddle Demo