In spring cloud v1.1, I can use @EnableDiscoveryClient
and @EnableEurekaClient
to register a spring cloud app to both Eureka and Consul properly, because I want to use circuit breakers of Eureka/Zuul and key-value configurations of consul. But when using spring cloud v1.2.1, for the same code, I got the following exception:
Parameter 0 of method serviceRegistryEndpoint in$ServiceRegistryEndpointConfiguration required a single bean, but 2 were found:
- eurekaServiceRegistry: defined by method 'eurekaServiceRegistry' in class path resource [org/springframework/cloud/netflix/eureka/EurekaClientAutoConfiguration.class]
- consulServiceRegistry: defined by method 'consulServiceRegistry' in class path resource [org/springframework/cloud/consul/serviceregistry/ConsulServiceRegistryAutoConfiguration.class]
Consider marking one of the beans as @Primary, updating the consumer to accept multiple beans, or using @Qualifier to identify the bean that should be consumed
I found the class of
is a new class from spring cloud v1.2.0, and its purpose is
Patterns such as service discovery, load balancing and circuit breakers lend themselves to a common abstraction layer that can be consumed by all Spring Cloud clients, independent of the implementation (e.g. discovery via Eureka or Consul).
So, does it mean using spring cloud v1.2, I could register the app to only consul but could use key-value configurations and circuit breakers?