I need a way to allow my program to keep running code after this method is called.
Currently, it waits for half an hour, gets the info, stores it to the object WeatherCard, and displays it, and repeats. But it hangs on the JOptionPane. I need a way to make it so that the program either keeps going underneath the JOptionPane or to close the pane after about 10 seconds. I am not sure how to work either into my code, currently
public void printWeatherCard(WeatherCard w, JFrame controlFrame) throws MalformedURLException, IOException{
/* Displays a dialog box containing the temperature and location */
BufferedImage img = ImageIO.read(new URL(w.imgSrc));
ImageIcon icon = new ImageIcon(img);
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(controlFrame, "It is currently " + w.currentTemp + " \u00B0 F in " + w.location.city + ", " + w.location.state + ".\nCurrent humidity: " + w.currentHumidity +
"%.\nChance of precipitation: " + w.chancePrecip + "%.", "Weather Update: " + w.location.zipCode, JOptionPane.INFORMATION_MESSAGE, icon);
But it hangs on the JOptionPane. I need a way to make it so that the
program either keeps going underneath the JOptionPane or to close the
pane after about 10 seconds. I am not sure how to work either into my
code, currently
there are two ways
(better easier, comfortable) create JDialog(JFrame parent, boolean true)
, with default close operation HIDE_ON_CLOSE
, only one JDialog
as local variabl
e, reuse this Object
by setVisible(false/true)
looping inside arrays of all JOptionPanes (all exists there untill current JVM is alive) by @kleopatra
Closing a modal dialog after some delay and updating the display behind a modal dialog are distinct issues.
In this example, a javax.swing.Timer
is used to mark time, and the dialog is closed when a counter reaches zero or the user dismisses it.
A modal dialog only blocks user interaction. Add a modal dialog to this example to see that GUI updates continue in response to the javax.swing.Timer
public void run() {
JOptionPane.showMessageDialog(dt, TITLE);
JOptionPane is modal, which means code execution blocks until the user dismisses or acknowledges it. You need to use a non-modal dialog. Consider creating your own JDialog. http://docs.oracle.com/javase/tutorial/uiswing/components/dialog.html