We are running php 5.3.27 on Windows, nts.
We just failed a PCI scan due to a session fixation vulnerability in PHP and need to regain PCI compliance.
It is a little frustrating, as we use session_regenerate_id() after login, so in my eyes (perhaps I am wrong) our application is not vulnerable even if php is.
To pass the scan we need to upgrade to php 5.5.2.
We use the sqlsrv driver extension from Microsoft, and I notice that they have not released a build for php 5.5.x
Does anyone have a production viable solution for this issue?
I have found this http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/Forums/sqlserver/en-US/e1d37219-88a3-46b2-a421-73bfa33fe433/unofficial-php-55-drivers-x86 which is a non vendor build.
Has anyone used this build in production?