I want to download a file using android to my sdcard and then see it from my android emulator. I can download a file to
I want to see this file from my android emulator.
Or I can download it to my downloads folder.
I want to download a file using android to my sdcard and then see it from my android emulator. I can download a file to
I want to see this file from my android emulator.
Or I can download it to my downloads folder.
Please check this example for downloading and saving the file: http://www.androidsnippets.com/download-an-http-file-to-sdcard-with-progress-notification. After you downloaded the file you can see it in the DDMS perspective, at the "file explorer" view. There will be an "sdcard" folder. Please also be sure that you set the size of the emulator's SD card when you created the emulator.
From what I understood what you need is a File Browser on your emulator .
Here's a random File Browser I found ( Google search ) .
Download the apk and install it with adb :
adb install MAndFileBrowser.apk
U can save downloaded file to specific folder also by creating folder in external Storage.and when the download gets complete u can display it(i.e if u r downloading image u can show in imageview)