I have a Rails 4.1 application which is using a few notable technologies.
Simple Form, Cocoon
I'm having trouble destroying records which are nested attributes. Based on some lengthy research, I believe my code is correct, however I may be missing something silly.
has_many :staff_services_joins, :dependent => :destroy
has_many :services, :through => :staff_services_joins
accepts_nested_attributes_for :staff_services_joins, :allow_destroy => true
It's a little unorthodox, but I have two components on the join model which are not foreign keys and need to be set. That is why I'm accepting nested attributes for the join model rather than the service model.
Controller Method
def update
ap staff_params
# if @staff_member.update_with_account staff_params, params[:password]
if @staff_member.update_attributes staff_params
flash[:notice] = 'Successfully updated staff member! :)'
redirect_to vendor_store_staff_path current_store, @staff_member
flash[:error] = 'Failed to update staff member :('
render :edit
end end
Strong parameters
:staff_services_joins_attributes => [
Example update params hash
"store_id" => "2",
"avatar" => "avatar.png",
"remote_avatar_url" => "",
"first_name" => "Joshua",
"last_name" => "Tyree",
"email" => "joshuat@createthebridge.com",
"active" => "0",
"admin" => "1",
"staff_services_joins_attributes" => {
"0" => {
"service_id" => "2",
"price" => "50.00",
"duration" => "30",
"_destroy" => "1"
Based on the has, this thing should be destroying that model, but for some reason it certainly isn't. Any help is most definitely appreciated.