I have an application, which works with Resources for translation. This is working great.
Now, I have a special requirement. For this, I have to load the resource-dll for another language (for example, the application starts and works with English, then I have to also to load the German-translations) and look into it for a translation.
Is there an easy-way to do this?
You need to load the resourcemanager and If you need the resources for an specific language you will need to ask for them using the specific culture, using:
GetObject(String, CultureInfo)
You can create the culture that you need using:
new CultureInfo(string name)
CultureInfo.CreateSpecificCulture(string name)
CultureInfo.GetCultureInfo(string name)
The name is the culture name: "en" English, "de" German... You can see a full list on the following link: cultures
using System.Resources;
using System.Reflection;
Assembly gerResAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("YourGerResourceAssembly.dll");
var resMgr = new ResourceManager("StringResources.Strings", gerResAssembly);
string gerString = resMgr.GetString("TheNameOfTheString");
You can make it, with the GetString
calling the together with the specific CultureInfo you need.
for example:
using System.Resources;
using System.Reflection;
Assembly gerResAssembly = Assembly.LoadFrom("YourGerResourceAssembly.dll");
var resMgr = new ResourceManager("StringResources.Strings", gerResAssembly);
// for example german:
string strDE = resMgr.GetString("TheNameOfTheString", new CultureInfo("de"));
// for example spanish
string strES = resMgr.GetString("TheNameOfTheString", new CultureInfo("es"));