declaring and passing List in playframework scala

2019-06-28 07:59发布


I have a header.scala.html file that expects a string and a list parameter

ie @(title: String)(scripts: List[String])

The other scala files will reference the header and will pass specific lists eg

@import scala._
@{val jsList = List("a", "b")}

However I get Compliation error - type mismatch; found : play.api.templates.Html required: java.util.List[String]

There must be some syntax issue that I'm not seeing... Anyone?



You cannot declare variables (like that) in Play templates. (here's a google groups discussion about it)

The first thing you can do is, if you only need the value once in your template:


Note that you should use ( and ), I believe that everything between {} is interpreted as HTML code (hence your type mismatch error).

However, this isn't a suitable approach if you need it multiple times in your templates. You can then use defining block:

@defining(List("a","b")) { jsList =>

  @* using it once *@

  @* using it twice *@
  <p>My list contains @jsList.size elements.</p>

  @* ... *@