Erlang - undefined function

2019-06-28 05:35发布


I'm trying to execute a very simple Erlang code, and it's not working. I've tryied executed some hello worlds without problem, but not mine own code.

%% Exported Functions
-export([start/0, process_requests/1]).
%% API Functions
start() ->
    ServerPid = spawn(server, process_requests, [[]]),
    register(myserver, ServerPid).
process_requests(Clients) ->
         {client_join_req, Name, From} ->
         NewClients = [From|Clients],  %% TODO: COMPLETE
            broadcast(NewClients, {join, Name}),
            process_requests(NewClients);  %% TODO: COMPLETE
        {client_leave_req, Name, From} ->
            NewClients = lists:delete(From, Clients),  %% TODO: COMPLETE
            broadcast(Clients, {leave, Name}),  %% TODO: COMPLETE
            process_requests(NewClients);  %% TODO: COMPLETE
        {send, Name, Text} ->
            broadcast(Clients, {message, Name, Text}),  %% TODO: COMPLETE
%% Local Functions
broadcast(PeerList, Message) ->
    Fun = fun(Peer) -> Peer ! Message end,
    lists:map(Fun, PeerList). 

Compile result:

5> c(server).
6> server:start().       
** exception error: undefined function server:start/0


You compile you code with c/1, but you forgot to load it to VM with l/1. While VM does loads modules new automatically (modules not yet loaded to VM), it doesn't reload them each time you compile to new beam.

If you do it a lot in development you might want to look into tools like sync.


Try to check with pwd(). whether you are in the directory where your listed server code is. Seems to be a path issue. It also can happen that in your code:get_path() there is a directory where another server.beam is sitting that has not got a start function.