i want to use ExoPlayer library for my Android application to play live streaming videos.
I was looking through the exoplayer website and documentation as well as Github page but i wasn't satisfied with the explanations.
Anyone can give me a hint how do you play a http live streaming video through ExoPlayer?
Thanks in advance.
I was able to play LiveStream right away in ExoPlayer.
Just download this sample at https://drive.google.com/file/d/0Byr1H33Pe7u-MW93UUpmMUhGTTQ/view and modify Uri
video_url = "http://cspan1-lh.akamaihd.net/i/cspan1_1@304727/index_1000_av-p.m3u8";
Note: some m3u8 files wont play because of incorrect format
Check Supported formats here https://google.github.io/ExoPlayer/supported-formats.html
you can use exomedia exomedia library which uses exoplayer. This library is very simple to use.
just add below dependencies in your gradle file
repositories {
dependencies {
compile 'com.devbrackets.android:exomedia:3.0.5'
and in your layout file
Now you can use EMVideoView in your main activity as
public class MainActivity extends AppCompatActivity implements OnPreparedListener{
EMVideoView emPlayer;
protected void onCreate(Bundle savedInstanceState) {
private void playVideo() {
emPlayer = (EMVideoView)findViewById(R.id.video_view);
emPlayer.setVideoURI(Uri.parse("your http url"));
public void onPrepared() {
Log.v("TAG","video is playing");
To play the HLS file or live stream (m3u8), you can use a google exoplayer. You just have to specify the type of stream that you are going to play like HLS or DASH to exoplayer.
Intent mpdIntent = new Intent(MainActivity.this, PlayerActivity.class)
.putExtra(LiveTVPlayerActivity.CONTENT_ID_EXTRA, "My Channel Name")
.putExtra(LiveTVPlayerActivity.CONTENT_TYPE_EXTRA, Util.TYPE_HLS)
.putExtra(LiveTVPlayerActivity.PROVIDER_EXTRA, "");
I hope you will use latest code from github and specify the type of stream that is to be played.