I'm trying use a secure way to create checksum for files (Larger than 10GB !).
SHA256 is secure enough for me but this algorithm is so process expensive and it is not suitable. Well I know that both SHA1 and MD5 checksums are insecure through the collisions.
So I just think the fastest and the safest way is combining MD5 with SHA1 like : SHA1+MD5 and I don't think there is way to get file (Collision) with the same MD5 and SHA1 both at a same time .
So is combining SHA1+MD5 secure enough for file checksum? or is there any attack like collision for it ?
I use c# mono in two way (Bufferstream and without Bufferedstream)
public static string GetChecksum(string file)
using (FileStream stream = File.OpenRead(file))
var sha = new SHA256Managed();
byte[] checksum = sha.ComputeHash(stream);
return BitConverter.ToString(checksum).Replace("-", String.Empty);
public static string GetChecksumBuffered(Stream stream)
using (var bufferedStream = new BufferedStream(stream, 1024 * 32))
var sha = new SHA256Managed();
byte[] checksum = sha.ComputeHash(bufferedStream);
return BitConverter.ToString(checksum).Replace("-", String.Empty);
Update 1: I mean SHA1 hash + MD5 hash. First calculate SHA1 of file then calculate MD5 of file then add this two sting together.
Update 2 :
As @zaph mentioned I implement my code(C# MONO) again according what I read here but it doesn't make my code as fast as he said ! It makes my speed for a 4.6 GB file from (approximate) 12mins to about 8.~ mins but sha1+md5 takes me less than 100 secs for this file. So I still think it isn't right to use SHA256 instead.