I'm writing a bash script where I need to obtain a particular user from an ssh config file. The ssh config file looks a little something like this:
HOST blag
HostName blag.net.au
Port 2683
User blaguser
Host bloo
IdentityFile ~/.ssh/id_rsa
HOST biff
HostName biff.net.au
Port 2683
User biffuser
I want to obtain the string 'ABCDEF' and put it in a variable, by searching for Host bloo.
I was able to use the answer at https://superuser.com/questions/791374/get-variable-values-from-config-file/791387#791387?newreg=6626dd5535194d0180a91b6ace31e16f to read the config file but it assigns the array with the last host entry in the file.
I'm able to delete the host entry with this answer How can I remove a Host entry from an ssh config file?. The sed command here could be edited to extract the correct User
but I'm not sure precisely how
I'm having a lot of trouble with it. Can anyone assist? An answer which uses sed would be preferable.