When we run a playbook, with verbose output enabled, in the ansible logs we can see something like this:
2016-02-03 12:51:58,235 p=4105 u=root | PLAY RECAP
I guess that the p=4105
is the pid of the playbook when it ran.
Is there a way to get this pid inside the playbook during its runtime (as a variable for example)?
This sounds a little like an XY problem, but one option may be to spawn a shell with the shell
command and then ask for the parent PID:
- name: get pid of playbook
shell: |
echo "$PPID"
register: playbook_pid
This will give you the PID of the python
process that is executing the playbook.
You can define the PID for localhost using the set_fact
module with a lookup
- hosts: localhost
- set_fact:
pid: "{{ lookup('pipe', 'echo $PPID') }}"
And later on you can reference the PID
via the hostvars
- hosts: remote
- debug: var=hostvars.localhost.pid
If you will be using the pid in different plays, just add it to the setup
setup_result['ansible_facts']['ansible_pid'] = os.getpid()
and it will always be available.
"ansible_os_family": "Debian",
"ansible_pid": 27930,
"ansible_pkg_mgr": "apt",