Faceted Search module is not being moved to Drupal 7.
What are my alternatives?
The Search API module is new for Drupal 7, and allows you to choose from a variety of backends, including Solr, Xapian, native database and others. It supports faceted search irregardless of which backend is used.
One option is an apache solr integration http://drupal.org/project/apachesolr or a self written lucene search module.
I have set a faceted search up in Drupal 7 using the Search API which has a search facets module. You will also need Entity api. The facets get created as blocks.
Although this goes on to use the Solr module, which I didn't use, I found this video very useful for some pointers on how to set up a search using search api. http://vimeo.com/15556855
You (who comes from search engines) can use FacetAPI module: https://www.drupal.org/project/facetapi
It's a very easy module to create faceted search in Drupal.