I'm running into problems using macruby with ActiveRecord (w/ sqlite3) or Sequel. Any other suggestions? I need a simple lightweight persistence mechanism to embed within my application that can handle less than 5 tables and at most low tens of thousands of rows.
The following combination works:
MacRuby 0.8
sqlite3-ruby gem 1.3.2
sequel gem 3.18.0
OSX 10.6.5
The trick was uninstalling the 'sqlite3' gem and installing 'sqlite3-ruby'.
This also works
MacRuby 0.12
sqlite3-ruby gem 1.3.2
sequel gem 3.26.0
OSX 10.7.3
this is how I found out (not the most efficient way), this can probably be used in the future.
(18..35).each do |i|
print "sudo macgem install sequel --version \"3.#{i}.0\" ; "
print "macruby -e \"require 'rubygems'; require 'sequel'; p 42\" ; "
print "sudo macgem uninstall sequel -I -x ; "
Run this on the terminal and look for "42"