I am trying to create an AD account with a password already set using the net-ldap
gem. I am able to connect to the server fine. And I am also able to add a new user without passing the :unicodepwd
attribute however when the new user is created there is no password set. When I do pass that attribute the user is not created and it fails with error code 53
and the following message Unwilling to perform
. I also get the same error if I try to replace the password of the user after I have created it. I've come across many potential answers but none of them have worked for me.
def initialize
@client = Net::LDAP.new
@client.host = server_ip
@client.base = base
@client.port = 389
@client.auth(username, password)
if @client.bind
puts "Connected"
add("TEST", "JEST", "testjest")
puts "Not Connected"
def add(first_name, last_name, username)
dn = dn_value
attrs = {
:objectclass => ["top", "person", "organizationalPerson", "user"],
:cn => fullname(first_name, last_name),
:sn => last_name.capitalize,
:givenname => first_name.capitalize,
:displayname => fullname(first_name, last_name),
:name => fullname(first_name, last_name),
:samaccountname => username,
:unicodePwd => '"password"'.encode("utf-16")
@client.add(:dn => dn, :attributes => attrs)
if @client.get_operation_result.code != 0
puts "Failed to add user #{fullname(first_name, last_name)}"
puts "Added user #{fullname(first_name, last_name)}"
How would I set a password for the user when I create the user and not have to access it through the gui in order to update the password? Any help is appreciated
I was able to get this to work once I encoded the string in a different way and connected to the SSL port 636 rather than default port 389. Using encode
was the issue, seems like it was incorrectly encoding the password.
This is my new connection
@client = Net::LDAP.new
@client.host = server_ip
@client.base = base
@client.port = 636
@client.encryption(:method => :simple_tls)
@client.auth(username, password)
And the method which i used to encode the password
def encode_passwd(string)
newstring = ""
string = "\"" + string + "\""
string.split("").each do |c|
newstring = "#{newstring}#{c}\000"
return newstring
Hope this helps someone in the future