I'm connecting to an IBM Websphere MQ. I want to be able to match the reply message with the correct request message. I've trawled through hundreds of pages to get this and have had no luck.
I have a class - MQHandler - which sends a message to one defined queue, and reads the request from another. This works fine, however, if multiple users are using the application at the same time, messages get mixed up.
I can't seem to get a method on the receiver to indicate the CorrelationID to match. Something like...
consumer.receive( selector );
Can you check the below methods to ensure I'm doing this correctly?
* When the class is called, this initialisation is done first.
* @throws JMSException
public void init() throws JMSException
// Create a connection factory
JmsFactoryFactory ff;
ff = JmsFactoryFactory.getInstance( WMQConstants.WMQ_PROVIDER );
cf = ff.createConnectionFactory();
// Set the properties
cf.setStringProperty( WMQConstants.WMQ_HOST_NAME, hostServer );
cf.setIntProperty( WMQConstants.WMQ_PORT, 1414 );
cf.setStringProperty( WMQConstants.WMQ_CHANNEL, channel );
cf.setIntProperty( WMQConstants.WMQ_CONNECTION_MODE, WMQConstants.WMQ_CM_CLIENT );
cf.setStringProperty( WMQConstants.WMQ_QUEUE_MANAGER, qManager );
connection = cf.createConnection();
session = connection.createSession( false, Session.AUTO_ACKNOWLEDGE );
catch( JMSException e )
throw e;
} // end of init
* @param request
* @return
* @throws JMSException
private String sendRequest( String request ) throws JMSException
// Create JMS objects
Destination destination = session.createQueue( "queue:///" + writeQueueName );
// Enable write of MQMD fields. See documentation for further
// details.
((JmsDestination) destination).setBooleanProperty( WMQConstants.WMQ_MQMD_WRITE_ENABLED, true );
// Set message context, if needed. See comment at the top.
// Create a producer
MessageProducer producer = session.createProducer( destination );
// Create a message
TextMessage message = session.createTextMessage( request );
// Generate a custom message id
message.setJMSCorrelationID( generateRandomID() );
// Start the connection
// And, send the message
producer.send( message );
return message.getJMSCorrelationID();
* @param customMessageId
* @return
* @throws JMSException
private String recvResponse( String customMessageId ) throws JMSException
Destination destination = session.createQueue( "queue:///" + readQueueName );
// Enable read of MQMD fields.
((JmsDestination) destination).setBooleanProperty( WMQConstants.WMQ_MQMD_READ_ENABLED, true );
((JmsDestination) destination).setObjectProperty( WMQConstants.JMS_IBM_MQMD_CORRELID, customMessageId );
// Create a consumer
MessageConsumer consumer = session.createConsumer( destination );
// Start the connection
// And, receive a message from the queue
TextMessage receivedMessage = (TextMessage)consumer.receive( 15000 );
return receivedMessage.getText();
Here is a snippet of the main method...
String customMessageId;
customMessageId = sendRequest( request );
return recvResponse( customMessageId );
catch( Exception ex )
System.out.println( "Error on MQ." );
throw new Exception( "\n\n*** An error occurred ***\n\n" + ex.getLocalizedMessage()
+ "\n\n**********************************" );