I am trying to catch angular resource's HTTP error status code (!=200). My Service, where I have resources defined: (apiService.js)
.factory('ApiService', function($resource, $http, localStorageService, CONFIG) {
var base_api_url = api_url = CONFIG.api_url, api_version_prefix = CONFIG.api_version_prefix;
return {
userDevices: $resource(api_url+'/requestRegistration/userDevices/:action', {}, {
registerDevice: {
method: 'POST',
params: {
action: ''
verify: {
method: 'POST',
params: {
action: 'verify'
My controller's code:
.controller('LoginCtrl', function(CONFIG, $scope, $state, $ionicPlatform, $ionicPopup, ApiService) {
$scope.data = {
username: null
$scope.registerDevice = function() {
if($scope.data.username) {
var authenticationResponse = ApiService.userDevices.registerDevice({
username: $scope.data.username
authenticationResponse.$promise.then(function(result) {
// this is always fired, even then response code is 400 or 503 :( I am not able to check response status code.
}, function(error){
// this code is not being exectued even when response status code is different then 200
// its never executed at all :(
When I send the request and I receive response code 400/503, I believe that function(error) code should be executed but it's not.
Instead, my code in $promise.then(function(result)(...)
is executed and I am not able to detect a response HTTP status code.
So, my questions:
- Why isn't my error handling function being executed?
- How can I detect HTTP response status codes?