Jekyll paginate

2019-06-27 09:21发布


I am trying to paginate a list of blog posts in jekyll, but cant seem to get it working. Here's my setup I have a blog directory under my root directory which has a I have used the following code from the jekyll website

{% for post in paginator.posts %}
<li><h1><a href="{{ post.url }}">{{ post.title }}</a></h1></li>
{% endfor %}

I have the following in my _config.yml

paginate: 10

nothing get's displayed. Any suggestions as to where I am messing up?

Update - Dir structure

_config.yml _layouts    _site       css     index.html
_includes   _posts

$ cd blog
$ ls


Simple solution: As written in the jekyll docs you have to provide a index.html (even blog.html won't work).

So simply change your blog/ to blog/index.html and having paginate_path: "/blog/page:num/" and paginate: 10 set in your _config.yml you are fine.
