I want a Codeigniter select query from a table with three conditions in .
1. wrk_fld_exc = 140
2. wrk_cs_sts = Open
3. wrk_dlvrd_sts = Delivered OR wrk_cl_sts = Success
The third condition is an AND condition contains OR condition.
First and second is And condition.
You can code it like this:
$where = '(wrk_dlvrd_sts="open" or wrk_cl_sts = "Success")';
codeigniter uses its own syntax for OR claus in query
to use AND in where clause use $this->db->where('');
Like this
$this->db->where('wrk_dlvrd_sts ','Delivered');
$this->db->where ('attribute',$data['attribute']);
$this->db->or_where ('attribute',$data['attribute']);
$this->db->and_where ('attribute',$data['attribute']);
$where = '(wrk_dlvrd_sts="open" or wrk_cl_sts = "Success")';
if($condition1 != ''){
$this->db->where('wrk_fld_exc', 140);
if($condition2 != ''){
$this->db->where('wrk_cs_sts ', open);
//You can limit the results
$q = $this->db->get();
return $q->result();
This is the basic structure of the query you can implement in this way in codeigniter. You can add conditions if you require.