
how to include NSUserNotificationCenter in py2app

2019-06-27 05:34发布


I am making an app in python 2.7 on mac osx 10.8.5 I want to show notification number of times, therefore using NSUserNotificationCenter. Notifications are coming while running code on eclipse. But, the issue is when I made app using py2app, Notifications are not coming. Moreover, the default page of error of open console and Terminate is coming. Please suggest some way, how to include Notification in dist generated by py2app, so that It will work on any other machine. My setup.py is

from setuptools import setup

DATA_FILES= [('',['config.cfg'])]
OPTIONS={'iconfile':'cc.icns','argv_emulation': True,'plist':{'CFBundleShortVersionString':'1.0'}}

    options={'py2app': OPTIONS},

My notification code is:

def notify(title, subtitle, info_text, delay=0, sound=False, userInfo={}):
    NSUserNotification = objc.lookUpClass('NSUserNotification')
    NSUserNotificationCenter = objc.lookUpClass('NSUserNotificationCenter')
    notification = NSUserNotification.alloc().init()
    if sound:
    notification.setDeliveryDate_(Foundation.NSDate.dateWithTimeInterval_sinceDate_(delay, Foundation.NSDate.date()))

def notificationBalloon(title,msg):
    notify(title1, msg1,"", sound=False) 

On eclipse, notifications are coming as expected, however, import error produced in lines:

NSUserNotification = objc.lookUpClass('NSUserNotification')
 NSUserNotificationCenter = objc.lookUpClass('NSUserNotificationCenter') 

but in terminal these lines are nicely run.


My guess is, .lookUpClass() should be resolved at runtime. Thus you don't actually want to include that class in your py2app. Unless you wrote this class yourself that it.

What you do want to include is objc and related libraries. Make sure it's in your virtualenv when you call py2app. If python -m pydoc objc works, so should python setup.py py2app.


If you are trying to create a pop-up window to notify the user of certain information, there are plenty of python modules for this purpose. Wx python is a good choice. Here is the documentation for pop-up windows:


EDIT: That won't get an apple notification in the way you want. Try this code. It uses a downloadable command line tool called terminal-notifier to make notifications, accessed through python via sub process:

import subprocess

def notification(title, subtitle, message):

notification(title = 'notification title', subtitle = 'subtitle', message  = 'Hello World')

This should get the results you want, although to install it automatically you need to run a build in ruby. You could also get it to play sounds, change some ID parameters, and even tell it to run a shell command when you click on it. For more information go here, this is where you can get the source and the docs:
