I am trying to redirect the user back to the page where the comment was posted. I found this post on Django's site but I am doing something wrong because it won't redirect back.
Where should the input be placed to have it properly redirected?
{% load comments i18n %}
<form action="{% comment_form_target %}" method="post">{% csrf_token %}
{% if next %}<input type="hidden" name="next" value="{{ next }}" />{% endif %}
{% for field in form %}
{% if field.is_hidden %}
{{ field }}
{% else %}
{% if field.errors %}{{ field.errors }}{% endif %}
<input type="hidden" name="next" value="{% url proposal proposal.id %}" />
{% if field.errors %} class="error"{% endif %}
{% ifequal field.name "honeypot" %} style="display:none;"{% endifequal %}
{% ifequal field.name "name" %} style="display:none;"{% endifequal %}
{% ifequal field.name "email" %} style="display:none;"{% endifequal %}
{% ifequal field.name "url" %} style="display:none;"{% endifequal %}
{% ifequal field.name "title" %} style="display:none;"{% endifequal %}>
<!-- {{ field.label_tag }} -->{{ field }}
{% endif %}
{% endfor %}
<p class="submit">
<!-- <button><input type="submit" name="post" value="{% trans "Send" %}" /></button> -->
<button type="submit">Send</button>
<!-- <input type="submit" name="preview" class="submit-preview" value="{% trans "Preview" %}" /> -->