I have a TCP Tunnel in C#. I need to open and close the tunnel which is my app between a server and a client. I'm using this to close the data connection to test out another app. I have to use particular ports.
On the second, third, nth connection depending on how long I wait to reconnect, I receive a 10048 error code - "Address already in use" when binding my socket. When closing the sockets, I do perform ShutDown.Both and Close in hopes of clearing out the ports, but when I do a netstat in a command prompt I still find the ports held in TIME_WAIT. I've also set the sockets to no linger. Lastly I tried to make a loop to check the status of the port, but it ends in a somewhat endless loop. I'm thinking it's that 4 minute TIME_WAIT rule.
I have a function to display a nestat query and I find that when I run that and check until the port goes from ESTABLISHED and into TIME_WAIT that I can bind, but when I use the same data from this query to bind on a loop when the status reaches TIME_WAIT, I get a 10048. Is there a brief moment in time allowed by my button click that allows me to bind? Is there a state between TIME_WAIT and ESTABLISHED I'm hitting in the loop and not when I do it with button clicks? I read TIME_WAIT should stop me from binding altogether, but this does not appear to be true. Can anybody explain this?
I apologize to you code lovers. Not thinking this will change anything though. I just need a better understanding of port states.
public bool CheckAvailablePorts()
int temp=0;
bool availPort= true;
m_config = new AppConfig();
if (!m_config.initialize())
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Error loading configuration file. Exiting...");
return false;
//checking through all the ports that have been set to connect on
foreach (ProxyConfig cfg in m_config.m_proxyConfigs)
availPort = true;
temp = cfg.localEP.Port;
DataView dv = FindEstablishedSockets();//returns netstat query
foreach (DataRowView rowView in dv)
DataRow row = rowView.Row;
if ((Convert.ToInt32(row["Local Port"].ToString()) == temp) && (row["Status"].ToString().Equals("Established")))
System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Port: " + temp + " is still locked");
availPort = false;
return availPort;
//snippet out of a bigger function which checks for availability and then sleeps if false and runs again
bool temp = false;
while (!temp)
temp = monitor.CheckAvailablePorts();
monitor.startApplication(); //starts all the binding