I read all posts in the net adressing the issue where people forgot to change the target vector to a matrix, and as a problem remains after this change, I decided to ask my question here. Workarounds are mentioned below, but new problems show and I am thankful for suggestions!
Using a convolution network setup and binary crossentropy with sigmoid activation function, I get a dimension mismatch problem, but not during the training data, only during validation / test data evaluation. For some strange reason, of of my validation set vectors get his dimension switched and I have no idea, why. Training, as mentioned above, works fine. Code follows below, thanks a lot for help (and sorry for hijacking the thread, but I saw no reason for creating a new one), most of it copied from the lasagne tutorial example.
Workarounds and new problems:
- Removing "axis=1" in the valAcc definition helps, but validation accuracy remains zero and test classification always returns the same result, no matter how many nodes, layers, filters etc. I have. Even changing training set size (I have around 350 samples for each class with 48x64 grayscale images) does not change this. So something seems off
Network creation:
def build_cnn(imgSet, input_var=None):
# As a third model, we'll create a CNN of two convolution + pooling stages
# and a fully-connected hidden layer in front of the output layer.
# Input layer using shape information from training
network = lasagne.layers.InputLayer(shape=(None, \
imgSet.shape[1], imgSet.shape[2], imgSet.shape[3]), input_var=input_var)
# This time we do not apply input dropout, as it tends to work less well
# for convolutional layers.
# Convolutional layer with 32 kernels of size 5x5. Strided and padded
# convolutions are supported as well; see the docstring.
network = lasagne.layers.Conv2DLayer(
network, num_filters=32, filter_size=(5, 5),
# Max-pooling layer of factor 2 in both dimensions:
network = lasagne.layers.MaxPool2DLayer(network, pool_size=(2, 2))
# Another convolution with 16 5x5 kernels, and another 2x2 pooling:
network = lasagne.layers.Conv2DLayer(
network, num_filters=16, filter_size=(5, 5),
network = lasagne.layers.MaxPool2DLayer(network, pool_size=(2, 2))
# A fully-connected layer of 64 units with 25% dropout on its inputs:
network = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(
lasagne.layers.dropout(network, p=.25),
# And, finally, the 2-unit output layer with 50% dropout on its inputs:
network = lasagne.layers.DenseLayer(
lasagne.layers.dropout(network, p=.5),
return network
Target matrices for all sets are created like this (training target vector as an example)
targetsTrain = np.vstack( (targetsTrain, [[targetClass], ]*numTr) );
...and the theano variables as such
inputVar = T.tensor4('inputs')
targetVar = T.imatrix('targets')
network = build_cnn(trainset, inputVar)
predictions = lasagne.layers.get_output(network)
loss = lasagne.objectives.binary_crossentropy(predictions, targetVar)
loss = loss.mean()
params = lasagne.layers.get_all_params(network, trainable=True)
updates = lasagne.updates.nesterov_momentum(loss, params, learning_rate=0.01, momentum=0.9)
valPrediction = lasagne.layers.get_output(network, deterministic=True)
valLoss = lasagne.objectives.binary_crossentropy(valPrediction, targetVar)
valLoss = valLoss.mean()
valAcc = T.mean(T.eq(T.argmax(valPrediction, axis=1), targetVar), dtype=theano.config.floatX)
train_fn = function([inputVar, targetVar], loss, updates=updates, allow_input_downcast=True)
val_fn = function([inputVar, targetVar], [valLoss, valAcc])
Finally, here the two loops, training and test. The first is fine, the second throws the error, excerpts below
# -- Neural network training itself -- #
numIts = 100
for itNr in range(0, numIts):
train_err = 0
train_batches = 0
for batch in iterate_minibatches(trainset.astype('float32'), targetsTrain.astype('int8'), len(trainset)//4, shuffle=True):
inputs, targets = batch
print (inputs.shape)
train_err += train_fn(inputs, targets)
train_batches += 1
# And a full pass over the validation data:
val_err = 0
val_acc = 0
val_batches = 0
for batch in iterate_minibatches(valset.astype('float32'), targetsVal.astype('int8'), len(valset)//3, shuffle=False):
[inputs, targets] = batch
[err, acc] = val_fn(inputs, targets)
val_err += err
val_acc += acc
val_batches += 1
Erorr (excerpts)
Exception "unhandled ValueError"
Input dimension mis-match. (input[0].shape[1] = 52, input[1].shape[1] = 1)
Apply node that caused the error: Elemwise{eq,no_inplace}(DimShuffle{x,0}.0, targets)
Toposort index: 36
Inputs types: [TensorType(int64, row), TensorType(int32, matrix)]
Inputs shapes: [(1, 52), (52, 1)]
Inputs strides: [(416, 8), (4, 4)]
Inputs values: ['not shown', 'not shown']
Again, thanks for help!