I have a file where the first row is a header. The header can have spaces and the # symbol (there may be other special characters as well). I am trying to read this file using read.csv or read.table but it keeps throwing me errors:
undefined columns selected
more columns than column names
My tab-delimited chromFile file looks like:
Chromosome# Chr chr Size UCSC NCBI36/hg18 NCBIBuild36 NCBIBuild37
1 Chr1 chr1 247199719 247249719 247249719 249250621
2 Chr2 chr2 242751149 242951149 242951149 243199373
chromosomes <- read.csv(chromFile, sep="\t",skip =0, header = TRUE, )
I want to first look for a way to read the file as it as without replacing the space or # with some other readable symbol.