I'm having troubles with filenames upload by users which I have to process. When I try to access them, because some of them have special characters, the command used says the file is not found or similar.
I've used escapeshellcmd with no sucess.
When I use the "tab" key in linux console (when you have started to type the filename and you want it to complete), the bash escape the filename correctly, and if I use exactly that "escaped" filename, it works.
I've tried this:
preg_replace("/[^a-zA-Z0-9\-\.\s]/", "\\\\$0", $filename)
to escape everything except numbers, letters, - and spaces ... but I found that for file "test_1.jpg", this command converts it into "test_1.jpg", and it does not work, since "_" does NOT need to be converted.
I'm afraid there could be more "allowed" characters, so my question is ... how can i "clone" the escape function of "tab" key in linux console bash ?
Thank you !
If you want to use the file name as a shell command parameter you can use the function escapeshellarg.
I use this for both file names and for making URLs out of blog post titles and the like.
// everything to lower and no spaces begin or end
$path = strtolower(trim($path));
// adding - for spaces and union characters
$find = array(' ', '&', '\r\n', '\n', '+',',');
$path = str_replace ($find, '-', $path);
//delete and replace rest of special chars
$find = array('/[^a-z0-9\-<>]/', '/[\-]+/', '/<[^>]*>/');
$repl = array('', '-', '');
$path = preg_replace ($find, $repl, $path);
If you are accessing these files directly on your web server, your files names need to be url encoded with urlencode, not escapeshellcmd
this is the function I put together, hope it helps
you can all add more by adding | with another escaped character
public function linuxFilename($file)
//make the linux filename perfect
return preg_replace("/ |'|\(|\)/", '\\\${0}', $file);