I'm having some trouble trying to compile a program that uses exp function on Ubuntu. I get this error from gcc:
selied@Apolo:~/Dropbox/practicas UAM/Neuro/practica3$ make
gcc -lm -o retropropagacion retropropagacion.o
retropropagacion.o: In function `main':
/home/selied/Dropbox/practicas UAM/Neuro/practica3/retropropagacion.c:177: undefined reference to `exp'
/home/selied/Dropbox/practicas UAM/Neuro/practica3/retropropagacion.c:186: undefined reference to `exp'
/home/selied/Dropbox/practicas UAM/Neuro/practica3/retropropagacion.c:297: undefined reference to `exp'
/home/selied/Dropbox/practicas UAM/Neuro/practica3/retropropagacion.c:306: undefined reference to `exp'
collect2: ld devolvió el estado de salida 1
make: *** [retropropagacion] Error 1
Here I show you my makefile.
CC = gcc
LDLAGS = -lm
CFLAGS = -Wall -g
EXE = retropropagacion normalizar
compile : $(EXE)
clean :
@echo Borrando archivos temporales...
rm -f *~ *.o core $(EXE)
help :
backpropagation :
./retropropagacion entrada.txt 0 0 salida.txt
and :
./retropropagacion and.dat 0 0 salida_and.txt
$(EXE) : % : %.o $(OBJ)
$(CC) $(LDLAGS) -o $@ $@.o $(OBJ)
%.o : %.c $(INC)
$(CC) $(CFLAGS) -c $<
Also I have include at the top of my header file and it works on another computer.
Do you know what's happening?