I am having some problems while attempting to compare my score and highscore to see which one is bigger and then save it. I think the problem lies in the comparison and saving of the highscore and score. Help would be greatly appreciated!
//Comparison between score and highscore
if score > highscore {
let defaults: NSUserDefaults = NSUserDefaults.standardUserDefaults()
highscore = defaults.valueForKey("highscore")?.integerValue ?? 0
defaults.setInteger(score, forKey: "highscore")
highscoreString = String(highscore)
highscoreLabel.text = highscoreString }
Full Page Code - https://github.com/SRL311/Highscore/blob/master/Highscore
(Sorry about the confusing capitals and lowercases there)
You can also create a new NSUserDefault property with a getter and a setter to automatically check if the score you are trying to save it is higher than the actual high score:
update: Xcode 8.2.1 • Swift 3.0.2
extension UserDefaults {
static let highScoreIntegerKey = "highScoreInteger"
static let highScoreDoubleKey = "highScoreDouble"
var highScore: Int {
get {
print("High Score:", integer(forKey: UserDefaults.highScoreIntegerKey))
return integer(forKey: UserDefaults.highScoreIntegerKey)
set {
guard newValue > highScore
else {
print("\(newValue) ≤ \(highScore) Try again")
set(newValue, forKey: UserDefaults.highScoreIntegerKey)
print("New High Score:", highScore)
func resetHighScore() {
removeObject(forKey: UserDefaults.highScoreIntegerKey)
print("removed object for highScoreIntegerKey")
var highScoreDouble: Double {
get {
return double(forKey: UserDefaults.highScoreDoubleKey)
set {
guard newValue > highScoreDouble
else {
print("\(newValue) ≤ \(highScoreDouble) Try again")
print("Try again")
set(newValue, forKey: UserDefaults.highScoreDoubleKey)
print("New High Score:", highScoreDouble)
func resetHighScoreDouble() {
removeObject(forKey: UserDefaults.highScoreDoubleKey)
print("removed object for highScoreDoubleKey")
testing in a Project (doesn't work in playground since Swift 2):
UserDefaults().highScore // High Score = 0
UserDefaults().highScore = 100 // New High Score = 100
UserDefaults().highScore = 50 // 50 < 100 Try again
UserDefaults().highScore // 100
UserDefaults().highScore = 150 // New High Score = 150
UserDefaults().highScore // 150
Xcode 7.2 • Swift 2.1.1
extension NSUserDefaults {
var highScore: Int {
get {
print("High Score = " + integerForKey("highScore").description)
return integerForKey("highScore")
set {
guard newValue > highScore else { print("\(newValue) ≤ \(highScore) Try again")
setInteger(newValue, forKey: "highScore")
print("New High Score = \(highScore)")
func resetHighScore() {
print("removed object for key highScore")
var highScoreDouble: Double {
get {
return doubleForKey("highScoreDouble")
set {
guard newValue > highScoreDouble else { print("Try again")
setDouble(newValue, forKey: "highScoreDouble")
print("New High Score = \(highScoreDouble)")
func resetHighScoreDouble() {
print("removed object for key highScoreDouble")
Read your code carefully and you should be able to find the errors.
- You are not assigning
to highscore
- There is no reason to get the old
from NSUserDefaults
- There is no need to
Swift 2: You have set an integer value in userDefaults so, you may try retrieve it using, defaults.integerForKey(score, forKey: "highscore")