I'm trying to create an installer using Inno setup when I encounter this problem, everything else is being installed, but the registry keys are not being installed in the current user, I can't find it in the HKEY_CURRENT_USER
. But when I try to run the Regedit as Administrator, the registry is installed there. I have UAC turned on and validating with an admin account for the install to run, why is that happening?
Here's my Registry
Root: HKCU; Subkey:Software; Flags: uninsdeletekey; ValueName:ABS; ValueType:string; ValueData:ABS;
Root: HKCU; Subkey:Software\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\ABS.ScriptManager; Flags: uninsdeletekey;
Root: HKCU; Subkey:Software\Microsoft\Office\Word\Addins\ABS.ScriptManager; ValueName:Description; ValueType:string; ValueData:Script Manager; Flags: uninsdeletekey;
Note: I'm running 32 bit Windows 7
I do not think you can write explicitly to registry keys of logged in user from Inno Setup. You can write to registry keys of the user which is running the installer only.
You can write to any (or all) user's registry keys via HKEY_USERS
, but I do not know, if you can tell, which user is logged in.
But you can execute an external application that writes the registry key as part of the installation using the runasoriginaluser
flag or the ExecAsOriginalUser
You can use the reg.exe
for this:
Filename: reg.exe; Parameters: "ADD HKCU\Software\MyProgram /v Foo /t REG_SZ /d Bar"; \
Flags: runasoriginaluser runhidden
procedure CurStepChanged(CurStep: TSetupStep);
Params: string;
ResultCode: Integer;
if CurStep = ssPostInstall then
Log('Adding registry key for original user');
Params := 'ADD HKCU\Software\xxxx /v Foo /t REG_SZ /d Bar';
if ExecAsOriginalUser(
'reg.exe', Params, '', SW_HIDE, ewWaitUntilTerminated, ResultCode) and
(ResultCode = 0) then
Log('Added registry key for original user');
Log('Error adding registry key for original user');
Credits for the idea: @Markus
From the wording of your question, it sounds like this is because you are "validating with an admin account for the install to run." If this is the case and you are entering a different account (from that which you are logged in with) at the UAC prompt, the current user then actually becomes the Administrator account you just entered at the UAC prompt and not the account you are logged in with. What you may need to do is use the runasoriginaluser
function, which will use the logged in user credentials instead of the account you entered at the UAC prompt.
in [Run] section with:
Filename: reg.exe; Parameters: "IMPORT ..." and flag: runascurrentuser!