非苹果颁发代码签名证书:它可以与Mac OS 10.8看门人的工作?(Non-Apple Issue

2019-06-26 19:39发布

我公司开发我们的应用程序两个OS X和Windows。 我们必须从我们使用的ID我们的Windows安装非苹果授权现有的购买代码签名证书。 我们都我们DMGS与MSI的通过我们自己的公司网站发布。

该代码签名指南对山狮的新功能看门人似乎暗示了一个非苹果公司出具了标准证书会工作。 我可能误解了什么是“第三方”,在这种情况下意味着:

注:苹果公司使用的代码签名证书的行业标准的形式和格式。 因此,如果你的公司已经有您用来签署其他系统代码的第三方签署的身份,您可以使用OS X协同设计命令使用它...


Answer 1:




http://successfulsoftware.net/2012/08/30/how-to-sign-your-mac-os-x-app-for-gatekeeper/ http://www.panic.com/blog/2012/02/关于看门者/ http://arstechnica.com/apple/2012/02/developers-gatekeeper-a-concern-but-still-gives-power-users-control/

Answer 2:

No. The reason it will not work is: To pass through GateKeeper, you need a code signing certificate which is signed with your Apple Developer ID. This is not the same as a regular code signing certificate issued to your company. Only Apple issues Apple Developer IDs. (Or at least, at the time of this writing.)

This is very confusing because:

  • The company we bought the code signing certificate from specifically claimed it works with MacOS. But what they meant was we could sign Apple code technically speaking. But passing GateKeeper is different. (Unclear marketing to say the least.)

  • At this time, there are unclear Apple docs which talk about signing code with 3rd party certificates. Ex: https://developer.apple.com/library/mac/documentation/security/conceptual/CodeSigningGuide/Procedures/Procedures.html
    However, while you can sign the code, it does not pass GateKeeper! Again, this may refer to either internal corporate application use, or it may just be out of date.

Answer 3:

看门人只承认苹果的数字证书。 仅适用于Windows识别魔岛,Verisign和其他一些签发机构。 所以,你需要购买一个Windows的科摩(或类似)证书,并每年支付$ 99的苹果开发者计划,所以你可以得到一个苹果证书为好。 这是相当恼人的,至少可以这样说。

文章来源: Non-Apple Issued Code Signing Certificate: Can it Work with Mac OS 10.8 Gatekeeper?