Google+ login via Javascript and PHP

2019-01-12 08:28发布


Can you tell me please, how can I get user data(name, email) via Google+ Javascript/Php api? I go according this tutorial, which describes how to get authResult['code'] via Javascript.

Thats ok I have it. I send it to server via Ajax but I don't know how to get user data like name and email via PHP BUT without any redirects. Here are the samples of code Javascript:

function googleStart()
    gapi.load('auth2', function()
        auth2 = gapi.auth2.init({
            client_id: '',
            // Scopes to request in addition to 'profile' and 'email'
            fetch_basic_profile: false,
            scope: 'profile email'

function googleSignIn(authResult)

    if (authResult['code']) {


        // Hide the sign-in button now that the user is authorized, for example:
        $('#signinButton').attr('style', 'display: none');

        // Send the code to the server
            type: 'POST',
            url : "{link :Signgoogle:in}",
            accepts : 'json',
            // Spýtať sa na DJPW čo to tu je zakomentované
            //contentType: 'application/octet-stream; charset=utf-8',
            //processData: false,
            data : {
                'code' : authResult['code'],
                'id_token' : authResult.getAuthResponse().id_token


public function actionIn()
    $code = $_POST['code'];

    $client = new \Google_Client();

    $access_token = $client->getAccessToken();


    $data = $access_token;

        $data = array('error' => '$client->verifyIdToken($id) skočil chybou.');


PHP retrieves an access_token but no users data. Ofcourse it is an ajax call so I can't do any redirects as Google describes on every page. Can you help me please I can't find any solution.

Thank you very much.


Once you have an authenticated client for the user you will want to make a request to the Google+ people.get API method.

$client = new Google_Client();
$plus = new Google_Service_Plus($client);
$me = $plus->people->get('me');
print "ID: {$me['id']}\n";
print "Display Name: {$me['displayName']}\n";
print "Image Url: {$me['image']['url']}\n";
print "Url: {$me['url']}\n";

For their email you will have to iterate over the $me['emails'] array and find the value with type=account.


if you are not using google client library you can use this google api For getting the client details you just pass the token to this api < your_token >

$response = file_get_contents ( '' . $_REQUEST['token'] );

$response = json_decode ( $response );

echo "<pre>";
print_r ( $response );
echo "</pre>";

This will authenticate the user and it will return object

stdClass Object
    [iss] =>
    [at_hash] => hE0R********nxg
    [aud] => 79*********************
    [sub] => 1028*****2
    [email_verified] => true
    [azp] => 7945823****
    [email] => bik***
    [iat] => 14***7
    [exp] => 1***07
    [name] => Bik****M
    [picture] =>***/photo.jpg
    [given_name] => Bike***
    [family_name] => M
    [locale] => en
    [alg] => RS256
    [kid] => 70f6c4267*******cb

fount an example here :