
Adding documents to envelopes using composite temp

2019-01-12 08:45发布


I'm trying to add documents to a composite template using the docusign api and the documents aren't loading into the envelope the way I would expect it to. I currently have my code working with a test json where I add documents without using composite templates and it works perfectly. It seems the composite templates skip right over the documents however. Here's how I'm creating it:

"emailSubject": "Test Email Subject_FA",
"emailBlurb": "Test Email Body_FA",
"status": "created",
"compositeTemplates": [
        "inlineTemplates": [
                "sequence": "1",
                "recipients": {
                    "signers": [
                            "email": "test1@yahoo.com",
                            "name": "test1",
                            "recipientId": "1",
                            "routingOrder": "1",
                            "roleName": "Client 1"
                            "email": "test2@gmail.com",
                            "name": "test2",
                            "recipientId": "2",
                            "routingOrder": "2",
                            "roleName": "Client 2"
                    "documents": [
                            "transformPdfFields": "false",
                            "name": "test0.pdf",
                            "documentId": "1"
        "inlineTemplates": [
                "sequence": "1",
                "recipients": {
                    "signers": [
                            "email": "test1@yahoo.com",
                            "name": "test1",
                            "recipientId": "1",
                            "routingOrder": "1",
                            "roleName": "Client 1"
                            "email": "test2@gmail.com",
                            "name": "test2",
                            "recipientId": "2",
                            "routingOrder": "2",
                            "roleName": "Client 2"
                    "documents": [
                            "transformPdfFields": "false",
                            "name": "test1.pdf",
                            "documentId": "2"


This is a little test I'm doing so I understand this is impractical. But what I'm trying to understand is why this wouldn't add documents to the envelope. The request below does what I'm trying to do above.

"emailSubject": "Test Email Subject_FA",
"emailBlurb": "Test Email Body_FA",
"status": "created",
"documents": [
        "name": "test0.pdf",
        "documentId": "1"
        "name": "test1.pdf",
        "documentId": "2"
        "name": "test2.pdf",
        "documentId": "3"
"recipients": {
    "signers": [
            "email": "test1@yahoo.com",
            "name": "test1",
            "recipientId": "1",
            "clientUserId": "1",
            "signerName": "test1",
            "defaultRecipient": "true",
            "defaultRecipientSpecified": "true",
            "routingOrder": "1"
            "email": "test2@gmail.com",
            "name": "test2",
            "recipientId": "2",
            "clientUserId": "2",
            "signerName": "test2",
            "routingOrder": "2"


Does anybody know why my envelope for the composite template won't load the documents?

Thank you in advance!


Here's my request for the composite template:

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Disposition: form-data
"emailSubject": "Test Email Subject_FA",
"emailBlurb": "Test Email Body_FA",
"status" : "created",               
"compositeTemplates": [               
"inlineTemplates": [  
    "sequence": "1",    
        "signers": [                              
            "email": "test1@yahoo.com",    
            "name": "test1",             
            "recipientId": "1"                
            "email": "test2@gmail.com",  
            "name": "test2",         
            "recipientId": "2"              
            "name": "test0",              
            "documentId": "1",            
            "fileExtension": "pdf"         
"inlineTemplates": [   
    "sequence": "2",       
    "recipients": {         
    "signers": [            
            "email": "test1@yahoo.com",   
            "name": "test1",          
            "recipientId": "1"
            "email": "test3@yahoo.com",  
            "name": "test3",                           
            "recipientId": "2"                               
            "name": "test1",                             
            "documentId": "2",                           
            "fileExtension": "pdf"                       

Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: file; filename="test0.pdf"; documentid="1"


Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: file; filename="test1.pdf"; documentid="2"


I've adjusted my document to use name and fileDxtension, so I left out the .pdf extension on the fileName as that seems to be another method of implementing this. I've tried it both ways and had no luck.


In the request JSON you posted, you're specifying "documents" (plural) as a collection/array of document objects -- which isn't correct. Each Composite Template item within the compositeTemplates array can only contain, at most, a single document. This means that the JSON syntax for specifying the document within a Composite Template is as follows:

"document": {
    "documentId": 1,
    "name": "test1.pdf"

i.e., document is singular, and it's an object (not an array of objects). Full request syntax of the 'composite templates' JSON request is shown in the answer of your prior question:
How do I apply a template to a document using Docusign REST API.

RE the "UPDATE" to your question:

In the JSON portion of the request that you've posted under "UPDATE", I notice that you have included document inside of the recipients object (which is contained within the inlineTemplates object) -- this is not the correct location for document. Compare your JSON structure closely with the following (correct) structure, and adjust your request accordingly. Essentially, document must be a peer of inlineTemplates -- not located within inlineTemplates.

POST https://demo.docusign.net/restapi/v2/accounts/ACCOUNTNBR/envelopes HTTP/1.1

X-DocuSign-Authentication: {"Username":"USERNAME","Password":"PASSWORD","IntegratorKey":"INTEGRATORKEY"}
Content-Type: multipart/form-data; boundary=MY_BOUNDARY
Accept: application/json
Host: demo.docusign.net
Content-Length: 162100

Content-Type: application/json
Content-Disposition: form-data

    "status" : "sent",
    "emailSubject" : "Test Envelope Subject",
    "emailBlurb" : "Test Envelope Blurb",
    "compositeTemplates": [
        "inlineTemplates": [
            "sequence" : 1,
            "recipients": {
                "signers" : [{
                    "email": "abbysemail@outlook.com",
                    "name": "Abby Abbott",
                    "recipientId": "1"
        "document": {
            "documentId": 1,
            "name": "CustomerAgreement",
            "fileExtension": "pdf"

Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: file; filename="CustomerAgreement.pdf"; documentid="1"

    <document bytes removed>

Content-Type: application/pdf
Content-Disposition: file; filename="Invoice.pdf"; documentid="2"

    <document bytes removed>