I'm writing a program that counts all lines, words and characters from a file given as input.
import string
def main():
print "Program determines the number of lines, words and chars in a file."
file_name = raw_input("What is the file name to analyze? ")
in_file = open(file_name, 'r')
data = in_file.read()
words = string.split(data)
chars = 0
lines = 0
for i in words:
chars = chars + len(i)
print chars, len(words)
To some extent, the code is ok.
I don't know however how to count 'spaces' in the file. My character counter counts only letters, spaces are excluded.
Plus I'm drawing a blank when it comes to counting lines.
You can just use len(data)
for the character length.
You can split data
by lines using the .splitlines()
method, and length of that result is the number of lines.
But, a better approach would be to read the file line by line:
chars = words = lines = 0
with open(file_name, 'r') as in_file:
for line in in_file:
lines += 1
words += len(line.split())
chars += len(line)
Now the program will work even if the file is very large; it won't hold more than one line at a time in memory (plus a small buffer that python keeps to make the for line in in_file:
loop a little faster).
Very Simple:
If you want to print no of chars , no of words and no of lines in the file. and including the spaces.. Shortest answer i feel is mine..
import string
data = open('diamond.txt', 'r').read()
print len(data.splitlines()), len(string.split(data)), len(data)
Keep coding buddies...
read file-
sum([len(i)-1 for i in d])
sum([len(i.split()) for i in d])
This is one crude way of counting words without using any keywords:
#count number of words in file
for i in data:
if i==" ":
# end if
# end for
print ("number of words are:", word_count);