外部实体“blahblah.dtd”无法找到。 继续反正导入?
发动机:会议文件:C:\ blahblah \ blahblah.jsx线:259来源:
- 那么,有没有一个Extendscript办法忽略的DTD?
- 如果没有,有没有办法忽略与XSLT的DTD?
function importXML(xmlDoc, xslt)
importStyle = XMLImportStyles.MERGE_IMPORT; // merges XML elements into the InDesign document, merging with whatever matching content
createLinkToXML = true; // link elements to the XML source, instead of embedding the XML
// defining the XSL transformation settings here
allowTransform = true; // allows XSL transformation
transformFilename = File(xslt); // applying the XSL here
repeatTextElements = true; // repeating text elements inherit the formatting applied to placeholder text, **only when import style is merge!
ignoreWhitespace = true; // gets rid of whitespace-only text-nodes, and NOT whitespace in Strings
ignoreComments = true;
ignoreUnmatchedIncoming = true; // ignores elements that do not match the existing structure, **only when import style is merge!
importCALSTables = true; // imports CALS tables as InDesign tables
importTextIntoTables = true; // imports text into tables if tags match placeholder tables and their cells, **only when import style is merge!
importToSelected = false; // import the XML at the root element
removeUnmatchedExisting = false;
obj.doc.importXML(File(xmlDoc) );
obj.doc.mapXMLTagsToStyles(); // automatically match all tags to styles by name (after XSL transformation)
alert("The XML file " + xmlDoc.name + " has been successfully imported!");
} // end of function importXML
......这是基于页。 407(第18章) 的InDesign CS5自动化使用XML和Javascript ,格兰特宝洁