As an excuse to learn Rust, I'm working on code for genetic algorithms, and genetic programming later.
I declared a trait for mutation operations:
pub trait Mutator<IndvidualType> {
fn mutate(&self, individual: &IndvidualType) -> IndvidualType;
It is easy to implement the trait for every single IndividualType
, but I want something more general, a trait which is common for every list (vector) type genome, something like:
pub trait HasVectorGenome<IndividualType, BaseType> {
fn new_from_vec(genome: Vec<BaseType>) -> IndvidualType;
fn get_vec(&self) -> Vec<BaseType>;
I want to have a generic mutator which is able to mutate every HasVectorGenome
whose BaseType
implements Rand
(in order to be able to generate a new random value). Something like:
struct GeneralMutator;
impl<B, T> Mutator<T> for GeneralMutator
where T: HasVectorGenome<T, B>,
B: Rand
fn mutate(&self, individual: &T) -> T {
let genome: Vec<B> = individual.get_vec();
genome[0] = rand::random::<B>();
I've got the error the type parameter `B` is not constrained by the impl trait, self type, or predicates
, and I can't compile. I do not know how to express this correctly.