与Internet Explorer VBA互动(VBA interaction with inte

2019-06-26 13:21发布

我建立宏从Excel电子表格需要的名字,打开IE浏览器,并搜索在线目录。 搜索目录后,它拉了经理在它的名字一个Java形式。 我能手动选项卡管理器名称,右击,复制快捷方式,然后将它张贴回试算表。 但是,我有一致的黏合问题和复制的快捷方式。

  1. 有没有把焦点放回IE窗口的一个简单的方法?
  2. 你如何复制无需手动点击它的快捷方式?


Sub Macro1()
Dim ie As Object
Set ie = CreateObject("internetexplorer.application")

ie.Visible = True
ie.navigate "****url****"

While ie.busy

ie.document.getElementById("SSOID").Value = "Z19516732"
ie.document.getElementById("Advanced").Checked = False

'this loop is to slow the macro as the java form is filled from the search
For i = 1 To 400000000  
    i = i + 1
Next i

ie.document.getElementById("Advanced").Checked = False
Application.SendKeys "{TAB 6}" ', True

'bring up the control menu/right click
Application.SendKeys "+{F10}"

'copy shortcut is 8 items down on the list
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"
Application.SendKeys "{DOWN}"

'enter was not working so the shortcut for the menu is 't'
'SendKeys "{ENTER}"
Application.SendKeys "{t}"


End Sub

Answer 1:


Public Declare Function SetForegroundWindow Lib "user32" (ByVal HWND As Long) As Long

这就是所谓的Declare Statement ,将允许您访问SetForegroundWindow被内置到Windows功能。 这个函数住在user32 Windows系统的DLL。 实际上有多个DLL可以访问的VBA以这种方式(见链接,更多的例子)中,具有一些其他的功能。

在你的代码,而与你的IE对象交互,记录HWND ( 句柄到窗口),如下所示:

Dim HWNDSrc As Long


SetForegroundWindow HWNDSrc


然而,这可能不是必要的,这取决于你如何使用IE浏览器进行交互。 换句话说,如果你不需要看/触摸窗口,你仍然可以使用互动的对象,你在你的代码已经。

有办法得到快捷你正在寻找使用如下代码GetElementById()GetElementsByTagName() 见此处获得更多信息 ),但它会依赖于源是如何创建的。 例如,一个<a href="...>链接应该是比较容易拉,如果你知道的HTML源代码。

审阅你的代码的第二时间之后,我注意到您使用循环“慢下来”的宏。 我有我使用所有为我自己的类似的方法,时间的函数。 希望这将有助于你得到完成你所需要的。 我修改我下面的代码从我自己的原创,因为我已经不适用于你的情况更多的细节。 如果有任何与它的错误,如需要,我可以调整。

Public Sub WaitForIE(myIEwindow As InternetExplorer, HWND As Long, WaitTime As Integer)

    ' Add pauses/waits so that window action can actually
    ' begin AND finish before trying to read from myIEWindow.

    ' myIEWindow is the IE object currently in use
    ' HWND is the HWND for myIEWindow
    ' The above two variables are both used for redundancy/failsafe purposes.
    ' WaitTime is the amount of time (in seconds) to wait at each step below. 
    ' This is variablized because some pages are known to take longer than 
    ' others to load, and some pages with frames may be partially loaded,
    ' which can incorrectly return an READYSTATE_COMPLETE status, etc.

    Dim OpenIETitle As SHDocVw.InternetExplorer

    Application.Wait DateAdd("s", WaitTime, Now())

    Do Until myIEwindow.ReadyState = READYSTATE_COMPLETE
        ' Wait until IE is done loading page and/or user actions are done.

    Application.Wait DateAdd("s", WaitTime, Now())

    While myIEwindow.Busy
        DoEvents  ' Wait until IE is done loading page and/or user actions are done.

    On Error Resume Next
    ' Make sure our window still exists and was not closed for some reason...
    For Each OpenIETitle In objShellWindows
        If OpenIETitle.HWND = HWND Then
            If Err.Number = 0 Then
                Set myIEwindow = OpenIETitle
                Exit For
            End If
        End If
    Next OpenIETitle
    On Error GoTo 0

End Sub

文章来源: VBA interaction with internet explorer