I need to zip and unzip the directory hirarchy in Windows Mobile using C++/C#. What is
the simplest library available for it?
I have googled many times. I found some stuff, but I am not able to go ahead with it.
If you have implemented or if you know some stuff about it please let me know.
For .NET, SharpZipLib.
See also: Zip library options for the Compact Framework?
DotNetZip is a .NET library, has a build for .NET CF.
There's a .NET CF sample application delivered with the devkit. It is a CF app that unzips files on the device.
The code that does the unzipping looks like this:
using (var zip1 = Ionic.Zip.ZipFile.Read(_selectedpath))
foreach (var entry in zip1)
entry.Extract(dir, ExtractExistingFileAction.OverwriteSilently);
// now, re-populate the treeview with the extracted files: