I'm trying to pass a const char * to an old C library converted from a Swift string in Swift.
This is the C function I'm calling:
artnet_node artnet_new(const char *ip, int verbose) { ...
how can I convert a Swift string to this const char type? It works when I pass ipAddress like this:
internal var ipAddress = ""
but dit does not work when I pass it like this
internal var ipAddress:String = ""
I need this in a function where I need to specify the type:
internal func setupArtnode(ip:String) -> Int{
I tried using AnyObject instead of String but that doesn't work either.
You should be able to pass a String
directly to a C function expecting const char *
and it will be automatically converted to a null-terminated UTF-8 string:
let string = "string"
let node = artnet_new(string, 1)
See Interacting with C APIs for more information. Here is the relevant excerpt:
When a function is declared as taking an UnsafePointer argument,
it can accept any of the following:
- A String value, if Type is Int8 or UInt8. The string will automatically be converted to UTF8 in a buffer, and a pointer to that
buffer is passed to the function.
Not sure why but this code is working. This passes a string to a C function expecting a const char* which seems to be the same as a unsafePointer.
internal func setupArtnode(ipAddress:String) -> NSInteger{
let cString = self.ipAddress.cString(using: String.defaultCStringEncoding)!
let newString:String = NSString(bytes: cString, length: Int(ipAddress.characters.count), encoding:String.Encoding.ascii.rawValue)! as String
let key2Pointer = UnsafePointer<Int8>(newString)
node = artnet_new(key2Pointer, Int32(verbose)) // VERBOSE : true(1) , false(0)
Simple way for Swift 3
var ipAddress: String = ""
var verbose: Int = 1
artnet_node artnet_new((ipAddress as NSString).utf8String, verbose)
You didn't specify what your Swift array contains. In any case, you need to convert your Swift array to an array of Int8
let str = "Hello world"
let cArray = str.cString(using: .utf8)
artnet_new(cArray, 1)