Is it possible to execute string path on dynamic type?
For example having dynamic type we can write
dynamic d = myObj;
var v = d.MyMethod(1,"text").SomeProperty.Name
Now imagine I have string path
string path = "MyMethod(1,\"text\").SomeProperty.Name";
var v = d. //How to applay string path to this type?
I have solution using extension method and reflection, you need to optimize and test for different scenario.
Still dirty code, but supports overloaded method now. I will try to do code clean up and use regex for effective and cleaner solution
You can specify data types for parameters now to the eval method.
string epath = "GetName(System_String: ding dong, System_Int32:1).name";
MyClass cls = new MyClass();
var v = cls.Eval(epath);
Note underscore in type names. This should work without mentioning datatypes if method are not overloaded. Current restriction, you cannot use colon or comma inside string parameter value. :(
Call like var v = d.Execute(path)
public static object Eval(this object instance, string path)
string[] cmd = path.Split('.');
string subString = cmd[0];
object returnValue = null;
Type t = instance.GetType();
if (subString.Contains("("))
string[] paramString = subString.Split('(');
string[] parameters = paramString[1].Replace(")", "").Split(new Char[]{','},StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
bool hasNoParams = parameters.Length == 0;
List<Type> typeArray = null;
if (hasNoParams) typeArray = new List<Type>();
foreach (string parameter in parameters)
if (parameter.Contains(":"))
if (typeArray == null) typeArray = new List<Type>();
string[] typeValue = parameter.Split(':');
Type paramType = Type.GetType(typeValue[0].Replace('_','.'));
MethodInfo info = null;
if (typeArray == null)
info = t.GetMethod(paramString[0]);
info = t.GetMethod(paramString[0], typeArray.ToArray());
ParameterInfo[] pInfo = info.GetParameters();
List<object> paramList = new List<object>();
for (int i = 0; i < pInfo.Length; i++)
string currentParam = parameters[i];
if (currentParam.Contains(":"))
currentParam = currentParam.Split(':')[1];
ParameterInfo pram = pInfo[i];
Type pType = pram.ParameterType;
object obj = Convert.ChangeType(currentParam, pType);
if (info == null) returnValue = null;
returnValue = info.Invoke(instance, paramList.ToArray());
PropertyInfo pi = t.GetProperty(subString);
if (pi == null) returnValue = null;
returnValue = pi.GetValue(instance, null);
if (returnValue == null || cmd.Length == 1)
return returnValue;
returnValue = returnValue.Eval(path.Replace(cmd[0] + ".", ""));
return returnValue;
Not sure if this could be easily achieved. I've been using Spring.NET Expressions in the past.
It seems you would need an eval function and C# has none but if this third party C# eval implementation can handle dynamic
it might solve your problem.