I am new to jenkins! I managed to clone GIT hub repo in Jenkins and now trying to build the fetched maven projects in Jenkins. I have 7 projects fetched from GITHUB and they are dependent on each other, i.e. some of the projects have dependencies defined for other projects in their POM.
Below are my maven configuration (Sorry, couldn't post Image here, see in bold)
Root POM myFirstProject/pom.xml
Goals and options clean package install
Alternate settings file I
Incremental build - only build changed modules
Disable automatic artifact archiving
Build modules in parallel checked
Use private Maven repository Strategy Local to the workspace
Send e-mail for each failed module
Resolve Dependencies during Pom parsing checked
Run Headless
Process Plugins during Pom parsing
Use custom workspace
Maven Validation Level DEFAULT
Maven Settings Configs - select -
Maven Global Settings Configs ¡ - select -
I get following trace when I build this job:
<===[JENKINS REMOTING CAPACITY]===>channel started Building single Maven modules is not implemented for Maven 3, yet! Finished: ABORTED
I am using Maven 3.3
As u can see in the configuration listed, I am giving reference for one of the projects' POM.xml. As per my understanding jenkins should parse this xml and build all the dependent projects first. I am not sure if my understanding is correct or not...if it's incorrect- I am looking forward to know how to go ahead. Shall I create different jobs for different projects in the sequence of build dependency required? clueless to go from here... thanks