如何实现位置敏感的一个JScrollPane内变焦?(How do you implement po

2019-06-26 07:37发布

我想实现一个内部的位置敏感变焦JScrollPane 。 该JScrollPane包含自定义组件paint ,将绘制自己的任何空间,它被分配里面-所以变焦是利用简单MouseWheelListener的要求重新调整内部组件。

但我也想放大流入(或流出)的一个点,以保持该点为中心的地内的合成放大的(或退房手续)视图(这是我称之为“位置感”缩放),类似如何放大谷歌地图工程。 我相信这之前已经做过很多次 - 有谁知道“正确”的方式做到这一点Java Swing下? 它会更好玩Graphic2D代替的转换使用JScrollPanes


package test;

import java.awt.*;
import java.awt.event.*;
import java.awt.geom.*;
import javax.swing.*;

public class FPanel extends javax.swing.JPanel {

private Dimension preferredSize = new Dimension(400, 400);    
private Rectangle2D[] rects = new Rectangle2D[50];

public static void main(String[] args) {        
    JFrame jf = new JFrame("test");
    jf.setSize(400, 400);
    jf.add(new JScrollPane(new FPanel()));

public FPanel() {
    // generate rectangles with pseudo-random coords
    for (int i=0; i<rects.length; i++) {
        rects[i] = new Rectangle2D.Double(
                Math.random()*.8, Math.random()*.8, 
                Math.random()*.2, Math.random()*.2);
    // mouse listener to detect scrollwheel events
    addMouseWheelListener(new MouseWheelListener() {
        public void mouseWheelMoved(MouseWheelEvent e) {
            updatePreferredSize(e.getWheelRotation(), e.getPoint());

private void updatePreferredSize(int n, Point p) {
    double d = (double) n * 1.08;
    d = (n > 0) ? 1 / d : -d;
    int w = (int) (getWidth() * d);
    int h = (int) (getHeight() * d);
    preferredSize.setSize(w, h);
    // Question: how do I keep 'p' centered in the resulting view?

public Dimension getPreferredSize() {
    return preferredSize;

private Rectangle2D r = new Rectangle2D.Float();
public void paint(Graphics g) {
    int w = getWidth();
    int h = getHeight();
    for (Rectangle2D rect : rects) {
        r.setRect(rect.getX() * w, rect.getY() * h, 
                rect.getWidth() * w, rect.getHeight() * h);

Answer 1:


private void updatePreferredSize(int n, Point p) {
    double d = (double) n * 1.08;
    d = (n > 0) ? 1 / d : -d;

    int w = (int) (getWidth() * d);
    int h = (int) (getHeight() * d);
    preferredSize.setSize(w, h);

    int offX = (int)(p.x * d) - p.x;
    int offY = (int)(p.y * d) - p.y;



下面是一个说明:点p是鼠标相对于所述的位置FPanel 。 由于您缩放面板的尺寸,位置p (相对于面板的尺寸)将用相同的因子缩放。 通过从缩放位置减去当前的位置,你明白了多少“转移”当面板大小。 然后,它仅仅是在相反方向上以相同的量滚动窗格移位面板位置放的问题p背面的鼠标光标下。

Answer 2:

下面是@Kevin K公司的解决方案轻微重构:

private void updatePreferredSize(int wheelRotation, Point stablePoint) {
    double scaleFactor = findScaleFactor(wheelRotation);
    Point offset = findOffset(stablePoint, scaleFactor);

private double findScaleFactor(int wheelRotation) {
    double d = wheelRotation * 1.08;
    return (d > 0) ? 1 / d : -d;

private void scaleBy(double scaleFactor) {
    int w = (int) (getWidth() * scaleFactor);
    int h = (int) (getHeight() * scaleFactor);
    preferredSize.setSize(w, h);

private Point findOffset(Point stablePoint, double scaleFactor) {
    int x = (int) (stablePoint.x * scaleFactor) - stablePoint.x;
    int y = (int) (stablePoint.y * scaleFactor) - stablePoint.y;
    return new Point(x, y);

private void offsetBy(Point offset) {
    Point location = getLocation();
    setLocation(location.x - offset.x, location.y - offset.y);

Answer 3:

你的MouseWheelListener也有将光标定位,将其移动到JScrollPane的中心和调整XMIN / YMIN和观看内容的XMAX / YMAX。

Answer 4:


private void updatePreferredSize(int n, Point p) {
    double d = (double) n * 1.08;
    d = (n > 0) ? 1 / d : -d;
    int w = (int) (getWidth() * d);
    int h = (int) (getHeight() * d);
    preferredSize.setSize(w, h);

    // Question: how do I keep 'p' centered in the resulting view?

    int parentWdt = this.getParent( ).getWidth( ) ;
    int parentHgt = this.getParent( ).getHeight( ) ;

    int newLeft = p.getLocation( ).x - ( p.x - ( parentWdt / 2 ) ) ;
    int newTop = p.getLocation( ).y - ( p.y - ( parentHgt / 2 ) ) ;
    this.setLocation( newLeft, newTop ) ;



文章来源: How do you implement position-sensitive zooming inside a JScrollPane?