Fire events during design-time?

2019-06-26 07:13发布


I'm currently designing a custom tab control class which derives from System.Windows.Forms.Control. The problem is that no (at least none of the ones I have tested, which include mouse as well as keyboard events) events get fired during design-time. This is a problem to me as being unable to switch between tab pages in the designer is quite inconvenient to the user. I've been doing some research and it seems that what I am trying to accomplish is not possible. This has made me wonder, as a lot of controls that come with the .NET framework support design-time interaction. Take the TabControl as an example. You can switch between its pages just fine whilst designing.

So my question is: Is there a way to get mouse and keyboard events working in design-time?

Also, sorry that I haven't provided a code snippet. But I don't think it is really necessary. For those of you who want to try it out, here is a simple button class I've quickly created:

public class MyButton : Control

    private bool hover = false;

    protected override void OnPaint(PaintEventArgs e)

        Color color = hover ? Color.DarkBlue : Color.Blue;
        e.Graphics.FillRectangle(new SolidBrush(color), DisplayRectangle);
        e.Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pens.Black, new Rectangle(DisplayRectangle.Location, new Size(DisplayRectangle.Width - 1, DisplayRectangle.Height - 1)));

    protected override void OnMouseEnter(EventArgs e)

        hover = true;

    protected override void OnMouseLeave(EventArgs e)

        hover = false;


You will see that the button's color is not changing during design time.


The below should work:

  • Creating a Windows Forms project to host your custom control

  • Creating a control library project

  • Adding a property to your custom control

  • Adding your custom control to the host form

  • Setting up the project for design-time debugging

  • Debugging your custom control at design time

more info at


This requires a bit of work - design time interaction is separate from run-time. This may help :