As a learning exercise, I am doing some data analysis on a 5000-line csv file using F# and F#'s type-provider functionality. When I use the type-provider-generated type in f#, naturally the header rows of the csv file become the field names of the type.
type restaurantCsv = CsvProvider<"C:\Users\Paul\Desktop\HealthDepartment\RestaurantRatings2013.csv",HasHeaders=true>
type RawInspectionData(filename : string) =
member this.allData = restaurantCsv.Load(filename)
member public this.inspectionsList = this.allData.Data.ToList()
member this.FilterByName(name : string) =
|> Seq.filter (fun x -> x.EstablishmentName.Contains(name))
Also, I am calling the F# code (in a library the above code creates) from a unit testing C# file. It works fine. But when I consume the IEnumberable that F# returns from FilterByName, the field name information is not preserved. So I have code which maps new field names to .Item1, Item2, etc. from the Tuple:
var inspectionsOnCafes = inspections2013.FilterByName("Cafe");
var inspections = (from row in inspectionsOnCafes
select new
inspectorID = row.Item3,
restaurantName = row.Item5,
inspectionDate = row.Rest.Item6
My Question Is there a way to get C# to recognize the field names in the F#-generated type so I don't have to map row.Item# to an easy-to-read field name? In other words, is there a way I can have code like this:
inspectorID = row.InspectorID,
// etc.
Note: I looked at How do I create an F# Type Provider that can be used from C#? but Cameron Taggert's question and Tomas Petricek's answer seem to me to be on a slightly different aspect of type providers. Even if they are spot-on, I don't get it so I still need a little more help.