I am trying to get all video.watches
from my friends with
My access token has both user_actions.video
and friends_actions.video
And I get empty result:
"data": []
While a friend of mine with id 100000291284354 has watched videos with Vevo app and when I do
I get these videos.
The same with news.reads
(I can get the news if I put the friend id, while get empty result when I request via /me/friends/
What can be wrong?
I believe that's the correct action. Or I would want to believe so.
should grant me/video.watches
only and friends_actions.video
should grant friend_id/video.watches
. A valid way to check would be to drop the friends_actions.video
permission and try again with the user id you mentioned. But then why is there an end /me/friends/video.watches?
I don't think this endpoint should exist. It seems you can attach video.watches
path to the end of some graph calls and it will silently fail with an empty an array as opposed to the pagination link you are given
"data": [
"paging": {
"next": "pagination_url"
Try it yourself (in my case I tried it with music.listens)
- /me/photos/music.listens - Silently fails with call to /me/photos
- /me/likes/music.listens - Error 100
- /me/friends/music.listens - Silently fails with empty array
The rest behave as expected with invalid path components so a second guess would be some of these paths are bugs.
So, I don't think you are able to do, what you think you can do; grab all the activity of your friends all at once.
Facebook has enhanced there API yesterday, try this Graph API request:
GET https://graph.facebook.com/me/friends?limit=10&fields=name,video.watches.limit(2)
see https://developers.facebook.com/docs/reference/api/field_expansion/
and https://developers.facebook.com/blog/post/2012/08/30/updates-to-the-graph-api/