保持相对位置儿童应用的QGraphicsItem后:: ItemIgnoresTransformat

2019-06-26 06:03发布

我父到的QGraphicsItem一个QGraphicsTextItem。 我想QGraphicsTextItem总是直接驻留在的QGraphicsItem以上,但我也希望文本保持相同的大小时,比例因子低于1,即文本保持它在1的比例因子的大小,即使父图形项目规模较小。 我发现,在设定QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations标志为真时,比例因子小于1不保留大小的伎俩。

但我似乎无法找到一个方法来获取文本的位置始终保持的QGraphicsItem以上。 有没有办法做到这一点? 我试着用deviceTransform ()函数,但文本仍移出的QGraphicsItem,因为我滚出。 更糟糕的是,一些文字项启动“微动”,即他们开始不断改变自己的立场非常轻微,因此它看起来就像他们在颤抖。 如果这是我需要使用的功能,我想我不知道如何正确使用它。


fTextItem = new QGraphicsTextItem(getName(), this);


qreal lod = painter->worldTransform().m22();
if(lod <= 1.0) {
} else {
     fTextItem->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations, false);
     fTextItem->setPos(0, 0);

Answer 1:

免责声明:这可能是矫枉过正你正在尝试做的。 我们在我们的项目,使得这解决方案的最简单的给我们一些额外的限制。

我们不得不做的一个项目类似的东西,它结束了最简单的为我们不使用ItemIgnoresTransformations ,而是推出我们自己的转变。 下面是我们用它来创建一个翻译只(无缩放)转换为在特定位置绘制项主要功能。 你也许可以修改它为您的使用。

static QTransform GenerateTranslationOnlyTransform(
    const QTransform &original_transform,
    const QPointF &target_point) {
  // To draw the unscaled icons, we desire a transform with scaling factors
  // of 1 and shearing factors of 0 and the appropriate translation such that
  // our icon center ends up at the same point. According to the
  // documentation, QTransform transforms a point in the plane to another
  // point using the following formulas:
  // x' = m11*x + m21*y + dx
  // y' = m22*y + m12*x + dy
  // For our new transform, m11 and m22 (scaling) are 1, and m21 and m12
  // (shearing) are 0. Since we want x' and y' to be the same, we have the
  // following equations:
  // m11*x + m21*y + dx = x + dx[new]
  // m22*y + m12*x + dy = y + dy[new]
  // Thus,
  // dx[new] = m11*x - x + m21*y + dx
  // dy[new] = m22*y - y + m12*x + dy
  qreal dx = original_transform.m11() * target_point.x()
             - target_point.x()
             + original_transform.m21() * target_point.y()
             + original_transform.m31();
  qreal dy = original_transform.m22() * target_point.y()
             - target_point.y()
             + original_transform.m12() * target_point.x()
             + original_transform.m32();

  return QTransform::fromTranslate(dx, dy);


// Draw your item.

Answer 2:


class TextItem
    : public QGraphicsSimpleTextItem
    TextItem(const QString &text)
        : QGraphicsSimpleTextItem(text)

    void paint(QPainter *painter, 
        const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *option, QWidget *widget)
        QGraphicsSimpleTextItem::paint(painter, option, widget);
    QRectF boundingRect() const
        QRectF b = QGraphicsSimpleTextItem::boundingRect();
        return QRectF(b.x()-b.width()/2.0, b.y()-b.height()/2.0, 
            b.width(), b.height());
QGraphicsSimpleTextItem *mText = new TextItem("Item");
mText->setFlag(QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations, true);

Answer 3:

添加到戴夫狄考文的回答,我觉得这是有益的补充,在某些情况下,你也应该保持对象的正确边界矩形(以及形状)。 对于我来说,我需要修改boundingRect()有点太正确对象选择的行为。 请记住,对象的边框矩形将被调整和转变像往常一样,如果我们不使用ItemIgnoresTransformations标志。 因此,我们还需要重新调整boundingRect保持独立观点的影响。

为了保持该视图无关边框原来是很容易:只要抓住从缩放因子deviceTransform(m_view->viewportTransform()).inverted().m11()和繁殖这种不断给当地协调边框。 例如:

qreal m = this->deviceTransform(m_view->viewportTransform()).inverted().m11();
return QRectF(m*(m_shapeX), m*(m_shapeY),
              m*(m_shapeR), m*(m_shapeR)); 

Answer 4:

大答案由Dave狄考文! 我有,我想在不同的缩放级别确定不同的比例因子的问题。 这是我做的:

void MyGraphicsItem::paint(QPainter * painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem* option, QWidget* widget)
    //save painter for later operations
    QTransform originalTransform = painter->transform();
    QPointF originalCenter = rect().center();
    qreal dx = originalTransform.m11() * originalCenter.x() + originalTransform.m21() * originalCenter.y() + originalTransform.m31();
    qreal dy = originalTransform.m22() * originalCenter.y() + originalTransform.m12() * originalCenter.x() + originalTransform.m32();
    //normally our target scale factor is 1, meaning the item has keeps its size, regardless of zoom
    //we adjust the scale factor though when the item is smaller than one pixel in comparison to the background image
    qreal factor = 1.0;
    //check if scale factor if bigger that the item size, and thus it occupies less that a pixel in comparision to the background image
    if (rect().width() < originalTransform.m11()) {
        //calculate adjusted scale factor
        factor = originalTransform.m11() / rect().width();
    //adjust position according to scale factor
    dx -= factor * originalCenter.x();
    dy -= factor * originalCenter.y();
    //set the new transform for painting
    painter->setTransform(QTransform::fromScale(factor, factor) * QTransform::fromTranslate(dx, dy));
    //now paint...
    QGraphicsXYZItem::paint(painter, option, widget);
    //restore original painter


QRectF MyGraphicsItem::boundingRect() const
    QRectF rect = QGraphicsEllipseItem::boundingRect();
    //this is a bit hackish, let me know if you know another way...
    if (scene() != NULL && scene()->views().at(0) != NULL)
        //get viewport transform
        QTransform itemTransform = scene()->views().at(0)->transform();
        QPointF originalCenter = rect.center();
        //calculate back-projected original size of item
        qreal realSizeX = rect.width() / itemTransform.m11();
        qreal realSizeY = rect.height() / itemTransform.m11();
        //check if scale factor is bigger that the item size, and thus it occupies less that a pixel in comparison 
        //to the background image and adjust size back to equivalent of 1 pixel
        realSizeX = realSizeX < 1.0 ? 1.0 : realSizeX;
        realSizeY = realSizeY < 1.0 ? 1.0 : realSizeY;
        //set adjusted position and size according to scale factor
        rect = QRectF(rect.center().x() - realSizeX / 2.0, rect.center().y() - realSizeY / 2.0, realSizeX, realSizeY);
    return rect;


Answer 5:




    br = parent.mapToScene(parent.boundingRect())
    realX = min([item.x() for item in br])
    realY = min([item.y() for item in br])
    child.setPos(parent.mapFromScene(realX, realY)) #modify according to need

Answer 6:

我找到了另一种解决方案,不涉及任何转换或手动缩放/定位搞乱。 有一个暗示QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations标志说明:


项忽略继承变换(即, 其位置被固定仍然到其父 ,但父或视图旋转,缩放或剪切变换被忽略)。 [...]

这就是关键! 我们需要两个项目:父母将保持相对位置(没有设置任何标志),并且还要做父母的(0,0)点的图纸(含子项QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations标志)。 就那么简单!

我封装这个功能集成到一个单一的类 - 这里是一些代码:

#include <QGraphicsItem>
#include <QPainter>

class SampleShape : public QGraphicsItem
    /* This class implements shape drawing */
    class SampleShapeImpl : public QGraphicsItem
        SampleShapeImpl (qreal len, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr)
            : QGraphicsItem(parent), m_len(len)
            /* ignore transformations (!) */

        QRectF boundingRect (void) const override
            /* sample bounding rectangle */
            return QRectF(-m_len, -m_len, m_len*2, m_len*2);

        void paint (QPainter *painter, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) override
            /* draw a shape, (0,0) is an anchor */
            painter->drawLine(0, -m_len, 0, m_len);
            painter->drawLine(-m_len, 0, m_len, 0);
            // ...

        qreal m_len;  // sample shape parameter

    /* This is actually almost an empty class, you only need to set
     * a position and pass any parameters to a SampleShapeImpl class.
    SampleShape (qreal x, qreal y, qreal len, QGraphicsItem *parent = nullptr)
        : QGraphicsItem(parent), m_impl(len, this) // <-- IMPORTANT!!!
        /* set position at (x, y), view transformations will apply */
        setPos(x, y);

    QRectF boundingRect (void) const override
        return QRectF(); // it's just a point, no size

    void paint (QPainter *, const QStyleOptionGraphicsItem *, QWidget *) override
        // empty, drawing is done in SampleShapeImpl

    SampleShapeImpl m_impl;

文章来源: Maintaining relative child position after applying QGraphicsItem::ItemIgnoresTransformations