Thanks in advance for anyone who gives this a look over. I've seen this problem once on the archives but I'm a bit new to R and had a lot of trouble understanding both the problem and the solution...
I'm trying to use the lmer function to create a minimum adequate model. My model is Mated ~ Size * Attempts * Status + (random factor).
(These have all worked on previous models)
So after all that I try running my model:
Model1<-lmer(Mated ~ Size*Status*Attempts + (1|FemaleID),data=mydata)
And it can be submitted without fault.It's only when I try to apply this update that it goes wrong:
Model2<-update(Model1, REML=FALSE)
Here is the error message supplied: Error in fn(x, ...) : Downdated VtV is not positive definite
If I make a third model without the interaction and do an ANOVA between that and model one, then it says the two are significantly different.
What am I doing wrong? Is the three way interaction really significant or have I made some mistake?
Thank you