I have a form in Cold Fusion which contains a set of checkboxes. I am submitting this form to the page frag5.cfm. There is only one line of code in frag5.cfm.
<cfoutput>values are #form.f1# </cfoutput>
This line shows "values are " -- that is, the form values for the checkboxes, all with name f1 are not being picked up.
Is this the wrong way to pick up these values? Could someone tell me the right thing to do? The original form is below:
<form name = "fields"
action = "frag5.cfm"
method = "post"
onkeypress = "return event.keyCode != 13;">
<table style = "margin-left:165px" >
<caption style = "padding-top: 20px" >Restrict Report To: </caption>
<td>Master Event:</td>
<td><input type = "checkbox"
id = "cb_e"
name = "f1"
value = ""
onclick = ischecked("cb_e","hid_e")
class = "check1">
<label for = "cb_e"> </label>
<input type = "hidden" name = "finsel" id = "hid_e" value = "unchecked">
<td style = "width: 25px"> </td>
<td><input type = "checkbox"
id = "cb_s"
value = ""
name = "f1"
onclick = ischecked("cb_s","hid_s")
class = "check1" >
<label for = "cb_s"> </label></td>
<input type = "hidden" name = "finsel" id = "hid_s" value = "unchecked">
<table style ="margin-left: 175px; margin-top: 20px;" >
<td style = "width: 150px;" id = "chuprep" class = ixes2">
<td style = "width: 150px;">
<input type = "Submit"
name ="Submitfin1"
class = "submitbut"
value = "Submit" >
The code for ischecked is :
function ischecked(id, passid) {
//alert("got to ischecked" + id + passid);
var ischeck = document.getElementById(id).checked;
document.getElementById(passid).value = "checked";}
else {
document.getElementById(passid).value = "unchecked";}
}//end function ischeck